CAPE TOWN, May 12 (Xinhua) -- South Africans were outraged on Friday by the re-appointment of electricity utility Eskom CEO Brian Molefe who is embroiled in a corruption scandal in relation with the Indian Gupta family.
The Eskom Board confirmed on Friday that Molefe will return to his previous job at the power utility next week.
This came after Minister of Public Enterprises Lynne Brown declined a 30-million-rand (2.3-million-US-dollar) pension pay-out to Molefe.
Molefe, now an MP of the ruling African National Congress (ANC), resigned from Eskom last November after then Public Protector Thuli Mandonsela named him in the State Capture report as having contacts with the influential Guptas over Eskom tenders.
The report, while still under review, made observations against Molefe which, at the time, he had deemed serious and significant enough to warrant his resignation.
The report details the close relationship between Molefe and the Guptas and how key decisions were taken by Molefe, as the head of Eskom, for the ultimate benefit of the Gupta's and at the expense of the South African people.
The re-instatement of Molefe drew immediate condemnation from the ANC which called the decision "unfortunate and reckless".
None of the observati台南信貸利率試算ons against Molefe have been conclusively set aside and his own commitment to fully clear his name is still pending, ANC national spokesperson Zizi Kodwa said.
"The decision therefore to reinstate him in his former position without these matters being resolved is tone-deaf to the South African public's absolute exasperation and anger at what seems to be government's lackluster and lackadaisical approach to dealing decisively with corruption - perceived or real," Kodwa said.
He said the ANC will seek an engagement with the Minister of Public Enterprises, under whose authority Eskom falls and under whose direction the entity should operate on this matter.
Meanwhile, the opposition Democratic Alliance (DA) said the return of Molefe to Eskom, which provides more than 95 percent of electricity consumed in South Africa, "is a monumental disaster" for the power utility, which is currently in a dire state of affairs and is surrounded by a swirling cloud of Gupta-linked corruption allegations as a result of Molefe's tenure.
The Guptas花旗小額信貸 are accused of exerting undue influence on President Jacob Zuma in the appointment of cabinet ministers and CEOs of state enterprises, a charge denied by the family.
"The return of Molefe to Eskom will see the Gupta hand return to the power utility, and most likely to the forthcoming nuclear procurement deal," the DA claimed.
"This is something which South Africa cannot accept," the party said.
The DA has filed criminal charges against Molefe and the South African Police Service (SAPS) is currently investigating his alleged involvement in corruption.
"South Africa高雄借錢 deserves to know the truth behind the many scandals currently engulfing Eskom. It is imperative that Parliament conducts an inquiry as a matter of urgency to ensure that those who are responsible for abuses are held to account, not least, Brian Molefe," DA Shadow Minister of Public Enterprises Natasha Mazzone said.
Civil group Save South Africa said it is determined to do all in its power to stop Molefe's return.
The group said it will work with others to mobilize protests to show the nation's outrage.
Save South Africa has campaigned for Zuma to resign due to allegations of State Capture related to the Gupta family.
Also on Friday, Parliament confirmed that Molefe, who had become a MP following大眾銀行個人信貸 his resignation, has resigned from the job.
"Parliament wishes to confirm the resignation of Mr Brian Molefe as a Member of Parliament effective from Sunday, 14 May," a parliamentary statement said.
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- 真實案例講解:被貸款了怎麼辦?什麼是“被貸款”?台中信貸 利息 計算 台新信用卡借款速度快嗎?被貸款是指被他人假冒自己的名義在銀行辦理了貸款。台中信貸 利息 計算 台新信用卡借款速度快嗎?一些人在遭遇此類事件時,往往忍氣吞聲,不知該如何應對。事實上,被貸款了怎麼辦這個問題很好解決,只看你有沒有勇氣拿起武器捍衛自己的合法權益?有權要求認定合同無效【案例一】 2011年10月5日,熊妍購買了一套商品房,當她交完首付,來到銀行辦理按揭手續時,卻遭到拒絕。理由是她曾辦理過三筆貸款,累計金額已達90萬元,台中信貸 利息 計算 台新信用卡借款速度快嗎?不能再貸款了。銀行提供的查詢證明顯示,台中信貸 利息 計算 台新信用卡借款速度快嗎?熊妍於2009年及2010年,在鄰縣一家銀行的確有著貸款記錄,每筆均為30萬元。“我根本就沒有在你們銀行貸過款,台中信貸 利息 計算 台新信用卡借款速度快嗎?怎麼會有如此巨額的貸款記錄?”面對熊妍的質詢,台中信貸 利息 計算 台新信用卡借款速度快嗎?鄰縣銀行卻無動於衷,因為他們知道,這只不過是領導親屬利用私自獲取的熊妍身份資訊辦理的貸款。台中信貸 利息 計算 台新信用卡借款速度快嗎?熊妍有權訴請法院確認三筆貸款合同無效。本案中,銀行領導為了自己親屬的利益,弄虛作假、串通一氣地連續三次利用私自獲取的熊妍身份資訊辦理貸款,台中信貸 利息 計算 台新信用卡借款速度快嗎?客觀上也確已損害熊妍的利益,無疑當屬惡意串通。而《合同法》第五十二條規定:“有下列情形之一的,合同無效:……(二)惡意串通,損害國家、集體或者第三人利益台中信貸 利息 計算 台新信用卡借款速度快嗎?;……”《民法通則》第五十八條也已規定“惡意串通,損害國家、集體或者第三人利益的”民事行為無效。即銀行與真正貸款人的行為,台中信貸 利息 計算 台新信用卡借款速度快嗎?從開始起就對熊妍沒有法律約束力。
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- 真實案例講解:被貸款了怎麼辦?什麼是“被貸款”?台南信貸利率計算 各銀行信貸利率哪一家低被貸款是指被他人假冒自己的名義在銀行辦理了貸款。台南信貸利率計算 各銀行信貸利率哪一家低一些人在遭遇此類事件時,往往忍氣吞聲,不知該如何應對。事實上,被貸款了怎麼辦這個問題很好解決,只看你有沒有勇氣拿起武器捍衛自己的合法權益?有權要求認定合同無效【案例一】 2011年10月5日,熊妍購買了一套商品房,當她交完首付,來到銀行辦理按揭手續時,卻遭到拒絕。理由是她曾辦理過三筆貸款,累計金額已達90萬元,台南信貸利率計算 各銀行信貸利率哪一家低不能再貸款了。銀行提供的查詢證明顯示,台南信貸利率計算 各銀行信貸利率哪一家低熊妍於2009年及2010年,在鄰縣一家銀行的確有著貸款記錄,每筆均為30萬元。“我根本就沒有在你們銀行貸過款,台南信貸利率計算 各銀行信貸利率哪一家低怎麼會有如此巨額的貸款記錄?”面對熊妍的質詢,台南信貸利率計算 各銀行信貸利率哪一家低鄰縣銀行卻無動於衷,因為他們知道,這只不過是領導親屬利用私自獲取的熊妍身份資訊辦理的貸款。台南信貸利率計算 各銀行信貸利率哪一家低熊妍有權訴請法院確認三筆貸款合同無效。本案中,銀行領導為了自己親屬的利益,弄虛作假、串通一氣地連續三次利用私自獲取的熊妍身份資訊辦理貸款,台南信貸利率計算 各銀行信貸利率哪一家低客觀上也確已損害熊妍的利益,無疑當屬惡意串通。而《合同法》第五十二條規定:“有下列情形之一的,合同無效:……(二)惡意串通,損害國家、集體或者第三人利益台南信貸利率計算 各銀行信貸利率哪一家低;……”《民法通則》第五十八條也已規定“惡意串通,損害國家、集體或者第三人利益的”民事行為無效。即銀行與真正貸款人的行為,台南信貸利率計算 各銀行信貸利率哪一家低從開始起就對熊妍沒有法律約束力。
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